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Get Involved and Schedule

Public involvement and input are essential to the NEPA process. There are designated phases of the EIS process when you can provide comments.

The Air Force initiated scoping by publishing a Notice of Intent in the Federal Register. The Public Scoping Period is the first of two opportunities for public input in the EIS process. Your input during scoping will be considered in the development of the Draft EIS. Please visit the Comment page after reviewing all the materials on this website!

The Draft EIS Public Review and Comment Period is the second opportunity for public input. The Draft EIS will be available on this website and in local libraries. Formal Public Hearings will be held throughout the region to solicit comments on the analyses presented in the Draft EIS. After this comment period the Final EIS will be made available on the project website and in local libraries, initiating the 30-day waiting period. After the waiting period, the Record of Decision will be released on this website.

The Air Force hosted several in-person open-house style public meetings during the public scoping period to provide information to interested parties. Materials made available at those meetings can be found on the Documents page of this website. A virtual presentation was also available during the scoping phase and is available at the link below.

***The public scoping period for this EIS is complete. The next opportunity for public involvement is review of the Draft EIS. The extended public scoping period created a delay in the schedule and the Air Force is currently preparing the Draft EIS. The schedule will be updated to reflect a projected publication date once it is known.***

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