Draft EIS
- Public Draft Executive Summary (English) (Spanish)
Draft EIS Supporting Documents
- Public Hearing Video Script (English) (Spanish)
- Welcome Handout (English) (Spanish)
- Poster: What is the Air Force Proposing? (English) (Spanish)
- Poster: What are the Alternatives? (English) (Spanish)
- Poster: MOAs Proposed for Optimization – Sells, Ruby, Fuzzy (English) (Spanish)
- Poster: MOAs Proposed for Optimization – Bagdad and Gladden (English) (Spanish)
- Poster: MOAs Proposed for Optimization – Jackal, Outlaw, Morenci, Reserve (English) (Spanish)
- Poster: MOAs Proposed for Optimization – Tombstone (English) (Spanish)
- Poster: Airspace Management and Use (English) (Spanish)
- Poster: What is Noise? (English) (Spanish)
- Poster: Noise Modeling Results (English) (Spanish)
- Poster: Natural Resources (English) (Spanish)
- Poster: Cultural Resources (English) (Spanish)
Notice of Intent - 2022
The Notice of Intent was published in the Federal Register.
Scoping Meeting Materials
Materials that were on display at the Scoping Meeting Open House in 2022 and reviewed in the Scoping Virtual Presentation are provided below.
To view the Scoping Virtual Presentation, please click here.